
Bist du 18 Jahre oder älter?

Diese Seite enthält Inhalte, die für Minderjähige u.U. ungeeignet sind. Bestätige bitte, dass du 18 Jahre oder älter bist.

Zutritt für unter 18 Jährige verboten

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Zutritt für unter 18 Jährige verboten


How would you describe yourself in three words?

easy going, passionate and optimistic

Which is your favorite drink?


Which place is the best to enjoy your drinks?

Dinner table

Which music goes best with your spirits?

Silence, I love to drink in silence



Although the Quevedo Family has been producing Port Wine for more than 5 generations, the actual company was only founded in 1993. This makes us one of the most recent Port Wine Houses from the Douro.

With less than 25 years of existence, we feel we are at the beginning of our journey and every day is a fresh page added to what we like to do most: explore all the ways wines can be enjoyed.
The founders: Oscar & Beatriz Quevedo

By the end of the 1970′s, Oscar and Beatriz Quevedo decided to start a family at S. João Pesqueira, in the heart of the Douro Valley. Both descended from families with a long history in growing grapes and making Port wines.

The first Quevedo vines were planted by Abel Gouveia Costa in 1889, in Valongo dos Azeites, in S. João da Pesqueira. Abel was followed by his son, Raul Gouveia Costa, who made the business prosper, and then by his son-in-law, João Batista Quevedo, who extended the vineyards to new estates and passed the love for the winemaking to his son, Oscar Quevedo.

Beatriz’s family also had roots in the Carrazeda district, on the northern bank of the Douro river. The family’s main estate was Quinta da Alegria, with a train station with the same name.

After several years making Port wines in his father’s facilities, Oscar Sr. built a new winery which is currently the headquarters of Quevedo. Meanwhile, he expanded the vineyards to the current 100 hectares, plus 25 hectares of organic olive groves.

In 1993, the Quevedo brand was founded, marking a new era for the family, as they finally started bottling Port under their own label, something that was only possible after 1986, when Portugal joined the UE.
The 5th generation joins in

Having grown between vines and barrels, Cláudia and Oscar Quevedo (Jr.) followed their parents’ steps into the family business.

Cláudia Quevedo graduated in Enology at the University of Vila Real, in 1998. Since then, she makes the Port wines at Quevedo. Cláudia is married to Fernando João Martins and they live nearby the winery with their kids Beatriz and João.
Óscar Jr.

Oscar Quevedo (Jr.), studied Economics in Porto and worked in Finance in Switzerland and in Spain, joined the family in 2009 after his grandfather passed away. He is in charge of Quevedo’s sales in more than 40 countries.

He is married to Nadia Adria, who joined forces with the company in 2020 to be responsible for the Marketing and Tourism department. The couple has three kids: Marc, Alba, and Miguel.

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